Shhh… Obama & Cameron: Here’s How Low-Tech Encrypted Communications Work – With Just a Pen & Paper – Which You Can’t Decrypt

Here’s a video on how to send an encrypted message in a very simple and low-tech way: with a pen and paper.

Beauty of this primitive but effective method is you would have burnt the “keys” and the authorities won’t be able to punch it out of you, even with water-boarding tactics.

But the one potential challenge is the pad of “cypher keys” (see video below) has to be shared securely in advance and used once at best. Alternative: have several of these pads and find a secure way to convey which pad to use for reference.

Wonder what British Prime Minister David Cameron and US President Barack Obama – who were keen to push for a total ban on encryption despite warnings of irreversible damages – have to say about this. The message to them: it’s impossible to ban encrypted communications.